Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 1, Post Script

The run was awesome!

Starting with week three of C25k was a glorious decision. It was tough, but not too tough. I feel good. Really, really good.

One difference between now and the last time I did C25k is that I decided to run for distance, instead of time (check out the program at www.coolrunning.com if you don't know what I'm talking about). I'm happy about the switch, but since I don't have a treadmill or track to run on, I had to map it out in my neighborhood (used mapmyrun.com). To make it easy, Ed and I ran up and down our street five times and used driveways as landmarks to keep track of the distance. Luckily we went after dark, so we don't look like complete nuts to our neighbor - haha!

The other difference is the sweet relief of Albuterol. Two puffs on my inhaler before the run and I was good to go. If only I'd known I have asthma sooner. I've literally been avoiding any physical exertion in cool/cold weather since I was in elementary school. Wow.

So, in summary:

"I feel good. na na Na-Na na na NA"


Day 1

Ed and I are tackling our first run today. Well, it's really more of a run/walk, but that's besides the point.

I had a hard time getting up this morning. I'm off work today so I could sleep in. Coupled that with the facts that I've been feeling down about not finding a full-time job nearly as quickly as I would like and the realization that I still miss my family a lot, even though I'm a lot closer than I used to be . . . well, let's just say I didn't feel very motivated.

This afternoon I decided it would be best to just get out of the house and take my laptop to the local Panera to get some job-searching done. I walked out the door and realized that the weather is absolutely GLORIOUS! It's simply beautiful. The temperature is pleasant and the fall leaves are stunning. Oh how I've missed this.

And it struck me that the Universe seems to be saying, "Hey Wendy, good luck on Day 1. You're going to rock this. I'm on your side."

At least for today, I feel invincible.

"Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no
I got to keep on movin'"


Run Schindler Run

Sometime last week I became possessed with the ludicrous idea that I wanted to run a half-marathon next spring. Not just any half marathon, The Disney Princess Half Marathon. And I want to wear my wedding tiara while I do it.

what . . . What . . . WHAT?!

Yes, you read correctly. One part of my brain came up with a crazy idea and the rest of me is just crazy enough to say, "Why not?"

There's a long road ahead of me (pardon the unintentional running pun. Get it? "long road" . . . sorry, moving on . . . ) partly because I haven't run in about three years, partly because winter is coming and I have asthma problems when I exercise in cold weather, partly because I've gained about 50lbs in the last few years, and partly because . . . well, a half marathon seems like it could be a bit lofty.

But then again, three years ago I mastered the couch to 5k program (found at www.coolrunning.com) and felt better than I've ever felt in my life. If I can tackle the task of teaching my body to run 3.1 miles in only 9 weeks, why not 13.1 miles in 18 weeks?

This is my plan: I'll start with week three of the couch to 5k program. I think I'm physically fit enough to skip those first two weeks. From there, I'll continue my training with the half marathon program I found at www.marathonrookie.com. Together, they represent 17 weeks of training. Perfect!

I plan to post my progress here for continual motivation. And hopefully, in 18 short weeks, I'll look back and see just how far I've come.

See you on the flip side,